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Life. What is Life ? What is living ? Is it the same ?

Life and living are similar things, but not the same. Everyone of us was born, so with that day , we got the chance to live. So little, so small and cute. Baby, toddler, child , teenager, adult, senior. As a baby our parents were there for us. As a toddler we learned how to walk, how to talk. Being a child- We went to school for the first time, we learned, we laughed, we cried, just being a child. Teenager- our poor parents, we wanted to rebell, we were against the norm, we wanted to be better than everyone. Smoking, drinking, stealing- new things, but for us a new WORLD , so why not ? School, bad grades, to much make up, partys, we tried to find us. For some of us it was easier, than for other ones. But we learned, at least most of us. Adult- that's a long time. That's were i currently stay. I am learning, still learning. Still learning to live. To live means to enjoy, to smile, to fight. Its not always easy, but it's important to figure out, what you need. So do it, you won't regret it. 


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